Create your own Mujeres que Despiertan women's circle
“Circulating we are waking up” - Way of Self-knowledge and Transformation
"This circular program is born from my personal process and from the stages that I have been exploring in my interior and from the paths that I am passionate about: Quantum Physics and Ancestral Wisdom"
Laura Moreno
We invite you to take part in this initiative by creating your own circle of "Mujeres que Despiertan” (MQD), Women Awakening, you can facilitate the circle without any previous experience. We will provide you with all the materials and tools you will need to facilitate the circle.
In less than a year and a half, over 100.000 women, mostly from Latin America, have joined us with the desire to nurture a new humanity starting with our own healing and empowerment. This program is designed under the energy of the new moon, since our goal is to make conscious what is not, to shine a light on the hidden information of our subconscious mind that conditions our decisions and experience of life. For the persons who are completing the cycles they will be able to gain access to the following information that corresponds to the following phases, this way we turn in the finished cycle:
New Moon: Making the Unconscious Conscious
Crescent Moon: Conscious Creation
Full Moon: Consolidation and sustainability of reality
Waning Moon: Closure of cycles and Spiritual Alchemy